
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Nerf Retaliator teaser

Today the Nerf facebook page finally released an official teaser video for one of the blasters in the N-Strike Elite line, the Retaliator, which looks like a re-done Recon. To be honest, I think it looks like fantastic upgrade from the Recon. I predict that loads of people will buy it just for that stock

Original claimed ranges for the Elite blasters was 75 feet, but now I'm not so sure what they're claiming. The reason being, is that the video they released on facebook stated ranges of 15 metres (just under 50 feet), but then, they released another video to their youtube account with the same title but with "(75ft)" tacked on the end...

Sooo, what's the deal? are the claimed ranges supposed to me 15 metres? or did they get the conversion from feet to metres wrong and the claimed ranges are 75 feet still? I'd like to see the feedback on this one, so have a look at both videos below and tell me what you think:

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