
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

New Nerf gear: My take.

This afternoon I came home from work, and as I do, casually checked my blog reading list for things I've missed to discover that it had been virtually filled will posts about the latest press release from Nerf. I'm not going to repost it AGAIN, since it can already be read on other blogs, but I will provide the links to those posts since the blogs I follow are, in my opinion, all very good.

I saw this on the Nerf Facebook, and couldn't resist posting!
In short, Nerf has announced tons of new non-blaster products, including USB devices, night vision, and a helmet cam ranging in price from $19.99 to $59.99 (I'm assuming that's in US dollars). Now, don't get me wrong, some of these items are pretty cool, but I do feel it's all a bit of a gimmick now. I can't really see a 2Gb USB flash drive being worth 20 bucks US, considering well established factories in Taiwan produce these for mere cents each, and you can pick one up at Office Works in Australia for about 10 dollars. I also am pretty skeptical about the quality of the helmet cam, being $59.99, since the GoPro helmet cam system sells for almost $300. I'm actually looking at purchasing the GoPro system already, for the purposes of Freestyle BMX and incidentally, for Nerf Wars. 

So perhaps I'm a fence sitter on this one, while I think some of the products they intend to bring out are really cool, and quite useful additions to a Nerfer's kit, I doubt the quality or value of these products will be all that great. I also doubt they will even hit Australian shores, and I'm not so sure that all of them will actually be released at all. I guess we will see what happens what happens in the next few months, and also what comes out at the Dallas Toy Fair. No doubt I'll pick some of the gear up for review if they land on our side of the globe.


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