
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Changing it around!

I'm attempting to make a few changes with this blog, I felt the old red and black background was getting a bit old so I've changed it to this green pattern for the moment, seems kind of fitting with the release of the new Vortex blasters and all. I am also trying to make the ads a little less boring. Yes, I know, ads suck. But buying tons of blasters to review is expensive. As to date, the Adsense ads on the side have earned approximately $2.40 from the time I started this blog. I am assuming that's because the ads aren't really that interesting or relevant, so I will look in to putting amazon ads up instead, and hopefully there will be some good deals for readers. the Max Force ad earns me nothing, and is simply a link to the Max Force site as a thank you for the shadow hawk they sent me to review.

So, this means if you have ANY suggestions, comments, advice or even negative feedback about ads, please leave comment or email me. after all, I run this blog solely to provide content and information to my readers. In other words, if you click on an ad, the money earned from the ad goes directly towards buying a new blaster to review etc. BUT, If you think the ad is in the way or irrelevant or you just don't like it at all, tell me, and I will change things around.

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