
Friday, July 22, 2011

Terrornator review by Johnson Arms

First of all, allow me to apologize for the lack of posts lately, I've been extremely busy with work and photography so I haven't even had much time to scope out what's happening in the world of taggers, let alone review any. I do have a blaster that I will review this week, and I have a couple of mod projects I want to do but I'll update when I can.

In the meantime, there is a great review of another Max Force blaster over on the Johnson Arms blog that's definitely worth a read. Though I had the opportunity to review of the Shadow Hawk, I never got the chance to review the Terrornator, the fast-firing belt fed Max Force blaster. You can read this review by clicking HERE.

Other than that, I'm also looking for more reader submissions on STW so if you have something interesting to share, be it a Nerf mod you've done, a cool paint job on a blaster, or hell, even a potato cannon you've built, email me at with a brief description or a full write up and I will post your submission as an article here on the blog.

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