
Friday, June 3, 2011

Nerf Alpha Trooper custom rebuild: part 2

Continuing on with my rebuild of my Nerf Alpha Trooper from parts, I had a bit of spare time to come up with a solution for the lack of fitting barrel tip, and also added an attachment rail to the left side.

The previous barrel tip was the end of the inner barrel from the "front gun" barrel extension that comes with the Nerf Longshot, and I though it didn't really look right. So, wondering what the Alpha Trooper would look like with the Spectre "silencer" barrel, I decided to do something to incorporate one. The one thing I didn't want to do was make it permanent, though. So, with a ton of grinding down, I was able to get a barrel adapter piece from my old Longstrike to sit in place quite well and line up with the inner barrel tube tube perfectly, so i hot glued it in place on one side of the blaster shell. After putting it back together with the silencer barrel on, I thought it looked pretty good, but i was worried the extra barrel length would have an effect on range, so I tested it out, and found I only lost 1-2 feet on average.

The side rail was the next thing to do, and I already had a spare Nerf Recon top slide that I could use to obtain a clean, flat rail from. I cut directly on the crease and then used a bench grinder to clean up the cuts. placing it on, I used hot glue again to fill in any grooves under the rail and it now seems really solid. I wasn't sure what side I should put it on at first, but eventually I decided I would just put it on the left for now and try to find another Recon slide to cut up and put on the other side as well.

With all of the attachments on, it looks a little bulky, but very cool, and nothing gets in the way. The weight is still way less than a stampede, and better yet, it can still be stripped right down to be just the blaster if needed.  I still need to put the right hand side rail on, find a dart jam door, clean up the hot glue a bit and add some paint. I'm looking for suggestions for colour schemes, and comments on this setup, so feel free to suggest and comment away!


  1. Snow camo would be awesome!!!!

  2. Hmmm I like that idea! I don't actually have a snow camo blaster yet.
