
Friday, April 8, 2011

The Nerf Vortex line

I'm probably last on this news, as both Nerf Mods and Reviews and Urban Taggers have already posted this news (if you haven't already checked out those two blogs, I strongly suggest that you do), but the latest top secret works by Nerf will be revealed on the Nerf Nation facebook page in a few short days. It's about the upcoming Vortex line, which I'm sure Nerf fans are wetting themselves to find out about.

This announcement will be made on the 11th of April (U.S time i'm assuming, so probably late that night or early hours of the 12th for us). Apparently, it will include media of photos and videos of the entire line. I'm hoping it's some kind of vortex launcher line, and not just a bunch of different recoloured mini vortex (vortexes, vortices... whatever you want to call the plural...) If it is, I'll probably just build a low powered potato cannon and shove a vortex down the barrel. Don't do that at home, I'm an experienced nutter.
Ahh the good old Vortex. Apparently, about to become revamped!

I will try my best to deliver the info as soon as I can, for the small audience I have at the moment.

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